Model” Kavita Radheshyam recently gave an interview claiming that she was offered a large sum of money to fake a relationship with a married man on Bigg Boss 6, as well as flirt with Rajeev Paul in front of his ex-wife Delnaz, thereby causing trouble on the show. Here are her accusations in full. And oh yes – apparently her PR thought sending around horrifying semi-nude pictures of her was the most effective way of shoring up her moral authority.
Have a look
“Bigg Boss offered me big bucks to fake a relationship or love affair with a married man on the show. Further, I was asked to flirt with Rajeev Paul whose ex-wife Delnaz is also on the show. I was told that I would be paid a huge sum of money, if I could initially flirt with Rajeev Paul causing fights or discord in the house. Later on, I would have to try and bring the estranged couple together and get them to sort of kiss and make up on the show – even if it was temporarily. It would have been my task to get Rajeev Paul and his ex-wife Delnaz to reconcile their differences and maybe even consider a re-marriage. Rajeev Paul and Delnaz are divorced after a long, bitter fight, so the question of bringing them together seems very remote. I found it a very stupid suggestion. I know that reality shows are partly scripted, but this suggestion coming from a senior Endemol executive – Endemol owns the IPR to the Bigg Boss format – even before I could sign the contract or a confidentiality agreement was really perverse.”
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