Bigg Boss Season 6
26th November 2012
Written Updates
Nomination Special
Day 7 in neighbouring house
7.30 am - A cock crowing alarm is continuously sounded.
Day 49
8am - Wake up song is babuji zara dheere chalo. Karishma ,Mink ,sana delu and urvashi look pepped up 
11am - Delu tells vishal and rajeev that her name along with sana will be definitely put up for nominations in this week .She says they should make sapna a captain.
Imam tells santosh that he has been portrayed in a very bad light .People have been shown the exaggerated version and if he had been so bad would Ashka be tolerating him now. He says he is back in the house to rectify his image .
BB announces that in the Diwali week he had announced a bumper prize of Rs 5 lakh but did'nt find anyone capable for the prize. 
BB says the nomination process is on and Karishma has to nominate 5 names for evictions .
She nominates Rajeev Delnaz Urvashi Sana and Vishal
BB announces that the rest of the housemates can only nominate 2 names from Karishma' list for evictions
Rajeev is called to the confession room .He nominates Urvashi (for being dominating initially ) and Vishal . (Vrajesh and Ashka watching the nominations remark that he is playing a good game)
Delnaz says she wants to take Urvashi's name because urvashi had commented in front of Sallu that one needs to coexist with 15 housemates and second name was Vishal.
Urvashi nominates Vishal and Sana (who she feels is surviving only on a support system .--Delu and Vishal )
Sana nominates Urvashi and Delnaz
Vishal nominates Urvashi and Rajeev
Niketan nominates Sana and Vishal
Mink nominates Vishal and SAna
Sapna nominates Vishal and urvashi ( Imam says hats off to sapna )
After nomination process Sana cries and says she is exhausted . Karishma tells niketan and urvashi that she kept on apologising to sana . Delu tells sana ki indirectly humko bamboo mila hai 
3.15 pm- BB announces that the nomination process is over .
Vishal ,Urvashi and Sana are in the final list for evictions. 
3.30 pm - Vishal tells sana that he is surprised at getting 6 votes and asks her if she too has voted for him 
Urvashi is not bothered about being nominated and jokes with Niketan saying that second aayi mein in nomination list nahi toh school mein humesha bronze milta tha. 
Santosh tells Ashka to unload all her emotions on him and says he is her stand by 
Neighbouring house -- Imam wants to show dinesh and santosh a butterfly and they make fun of him. Santosh says allag cche nahi alag saat ho jaayega ye season .
Imam gets irritated and says I hope dinesh does'nt lose his santulan how he did .
2.30 pm - Dinesh tells Santosh to put a big red tikka and he will look like sanjay dutt in vaastav
Imam tells santosh that dinesh is trying to goad him but he does'nt want to react .
Sapna reads out a Angel Vs Devil task
3.30 pm - Sapna ,niketan ,urvashi mink and sana are the devils
Karishma ,delnaz ,rajeev vishal are the angels .
Niketan says delnaz meine 4 baar rulaaya nahi toh mera naam nahi hai niketan. 
Delnaz -baill .. Rajeev --chipkalli names are given to the angels .
Sapna and Urvashi take a trash bag and drop the trash in the garden .Sapna says oops she dropped it by mistake .
Vishal tells delu not to clean up the mess otherwise they will have to keep on cleaning for another 3 days .
Sana and Mink create a mess in the bathroom . All the devils come in the bathroom and sana picks up vishal's mike .
Niketan drenches vishal with water and tells him that as an angel he cannot retaliate . Vishal says its my lookout how to set you right. He tells the rest of the angels that no one can touch anyone . Sapna says aap shaitan ko rules bata rahe ho . 
Day 50
5.45 pm - Vishal tells sana and sapna that they should not have thrown water on him. He says do whatever evil you have bring it on . Sapna says this is a task .Vishal says you do ur own thing and I'll do mine . Sapna says because of him they will lose their luxury budget 
6 pm - Urvashi jokes with mink and says that Rajeev will be finding the task so difficult because as an angel he cannot scream at women
.She says Delu is also a pretence in herself and only portrays herself to be a farishta with her tears. She says Delnaz only cries with invisible tears. 
Day 8 in rural house
7 pm - Imam tells dinesh that he was the first person he had seen in the house and had felt good about him . Imam tells him not to mention the fight and says everyone in society had said that his mental stability was not proper .
Niruha tells him to stay peaceful henceforth .Imam says since the 2 days he has not shown any anger and desire .Santosh tells dinesh to stop .
Imam asks jyoti to sing lakdi ki kaathi .She refuses to sing and imam tells her that looks like someone has stopped her from talking to him. She says no one has stopped her
. Ashka tells Imam not to pressurise Jyoti who is mentally scared and disturbed. She complains to Santosh and Dinesh about Imam;s misbehaviour. Dinesh tells jyoti to say upfront that she does not want to dance or sing . Ashka says she will not let jyoti feel uncomfortable.
Dinesh tells vrajesh and Santosh that BB has purposely kept a kid as well as a mentally unstable man among them . Vrajesh says Imam is constantly hyper from the time he wakes up .
Sana tells Delu that Vishal is overeacting uselessly . She says when niketan threw water on vishal she too had got wet . She does'nt like Vishal's attitude .
Delu says Rajeev and Vishal are the same---- full of egos.
Santosh tells Ashka not to speak to Imam .He says if Imam oversteps his limits he will hit him.
She says tackle him the way he is tackling you all . She tells them not to get affected with what he says . She tells santosh not to misutilise his strength.
Rajeev prays in front of the camera and ask for patience to tolerate the devils
and they all say OM .
Precap --- Vrajesh and Imam get into a scuffle and Vishal puts shaving cream on Sapna 
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