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Day 36:
8am - Wake up song is "ainwi... hai main tujhpe marta.." Everyone waking up. Mink dancing in captain's room with Urvashi. Vishal up. Sana dancing while brushing.
8:30am - Mink talking to Rajev that he should urinate properly and Rajev says it's leaking. He teases Mink for being the father of fussy and she's interrupting his face wash. Rajev leaves the bathroom. Now she's complaining to Niketan and Niketan tells her to tell him. She said I did and it's all over the seat. "Chee, how dirty".
8:45am - Rajev, Sapna, Aashka and Sana are discussing Mink. Sapna said I offered her clothes on the first day and she took it without asking. And from first day she's gone after Niketan. On second day, she's saying that our healthy flirting is taking place. She says Mink said looks are important but you need might in guys and is saying that Niketan has none. Sapna saying she thought he was cute but not that she wants to do him.
9am - Sapna talking about Sidhu with Delnaaz and even Salman said he's not that older to us and he's not almighty. She saying I didn't cry one tear for him,
9:15pm - In the yellow bedroom, Vishal is asking about dry cleaning. Rajev is telling him to keep white clothes. That if something is on your clothes, show it to the camera then put it in the store room. Rest you can wash in the washing machine. Vishal saying he wants all the white clothes dry cleaned. Rajev says it's best.
9:45pm - Rajev says to Sana he was joking with Vishal about dry cleaning. Delnaaz and Sana scream across the glass to Vishal that there is no dry cleaning in the house. Rajev says next time I wont share anything any more. Vishal saying, in the end, my friendship came of use. Rajev leaves saying shut up. Sana says that I have a task to guide him. Rajev asks why she's not sticking to him then. Sana says he has to take a bath.
12:30pm - Sana tells to Vishal that she's going to be puniished for saving Vishal. Rajev says you win some, you lose some. Outside Niketan asking if Rajev is going before or after Sana for a bath and so when is he going? He's always 10 steps behind Sana. And 20 steps behind Delnaaz. Delnaaz saysto Rajev you go and when Niketan says you guys can keep doing pehle aap pehle aap so then she goes for a bath first. Rajev hands her something to keep in the toilet. Niketan says keep the clothes near the monkeys. When she goes, Rajev is telling Niketan to stop doing this about Delnaaz and Sana. Niketan says the youth of the country is confused where the daal is cooking.
1:45pm - BB announcement is being read by Vrajesh. In this streak task. There are 2 teams. Red - Niketan, Mink, Rajev, Delnaaz and Sapna. Blue - Vrajesh, Sana, Aashka, Vishal and Urvashi. They have to make the most diyas.
2:15pm - Niketan says to Vrajesh, I'll gift you 10 diyas to take Rajev in his team. Niketan says that Delnaaz was smiling. Delnaaz says I say take 50 diyas. Rajev is annoyed and says you guys work and I'm not going to do anything until all of you say sorry 5 times. Niketan says your wish is granted. Rajev says no one is my friend in this house.
2:30pm - Rajev says "main sab ki band bajaoonga aab". Niketan says "abey lalloo main mazaak kar raha tha". Niketan keeps asking him to come but he refuses.
2:45pm - Vishal and Vrajesh starting to make diyas in the blue team. Mink and Niketan run to start for the red team since Rajev wasn't coming and 2 people are essential for the task at a time. They are each given turn tables and they have to use these only. In the bathroom, Rajev saying he will only enjoy and won't work. Sapna asking him what happened and he's saying Niketan and Delnaaz offended him. Mink asking him to work. He's saying I haven't heard a sorry yet.
3pm - Sapna screams sorry. Rajev says it's not you. Sapna asks Delnaaz to say it. Niketan says that when he jokes, we take it, but now he won't take our joke. Delnaaz says I said sorry. Niketan says I wont apologise now.
3:30pm - Rajev goes up to the turn table and says that it's just because a girl is working (delnaaz) and he can't see it. Delnaaz says sorry. Now he asks Niketan and Niketan says, you ask other people how you look. Then nik asks Rajev to see how it's being made.
3:45pm - Vishal and Urvashi working on their diyas. Aashka got the other teams diya to show Vishal. Sapna saying in their tray they only have 6 big ones.
5:30pm - They have to dry the diyas in the allotted space. Rajev says in a few mins lights will go on. First day's task is over.
*ad break*
Day 36
7pm - BB announcement that although everyone tried hard but a lot of people are breaking the rules and only 2 people can make diyas at a time but since both teams broke this rule and since Rajev and Vishal made diyas with hand, both of these are liable to be punished. Rajev saying but we broke them. BB tells Urvashi to read the letter related to the punishment and get it started. Rajev going on denying he broke a rule.
7:15pm - Urvashi says that Rajev and Vishal have to hold a burning mashaal and the rest of the house mates can't talk to them nor go near them. Rajev will face the fish tank and Vishal will stare at the window between the bathroom room and smoking room. Rajev says I won't do it. If I didn't do what is claimed I wont do this. Vishal holds the mashaal and says Olympics. Urvashi says that your team will lose if you don't do it. Vishal goes and stands outside. Rajev says I;ll do it for the team not for BB. Niketan thanks Rajev. He faces the fish tank and says this is wrong BB!
9pm - Rajev talking to BB saying can I nominate you for the next nominations?
Fish is talking to Rajev and says I'm fishy kapoor and if someone comes tell them to go away. Fish says that Delnaaz says that you are the most eligible bachelor but I'm confused what you are. There are so many girls, why dont you dance on the chanc?. Rajev says I'm so shareef. Fish says are you still in love. Rajev says why should I share what's in my heart? Fish says sidhu like mediator wont come again. Rajev says I know but at first Delnaaz wouldn't even look at me but now she smiles, laughs, talks so he;ll see how it goes and it doesnt just depend on what he wants. Fish says you think Niketan is your friend but he makes jokes about you in front of everyone. Go ask Mink. Fish says don't tell anyone about this, someone is coming so go and come meet me tomorrow. Aashka and Sana walk by asking him why he's sitting down. Rajev says because BB let him sit down for a bit.
BB anounces that Rajev and Vishal's punishment is over.
9:15pm - Streaks luxury budget task. BB has given each team 100 diyas and every 2 people from each team has to keep the diyas lit all night till BB says otherwise.
10:30pm - Niketan is asking Rajev about some bag. Niketan says first you were fooling around. Delnaaz agrees with him. He should not make a joke about the task. It should be taken seriously. Niketan says you were preventing the task. Niketan saying that you must have done something like looking at girls the wrong way that BB punished you. Rajev says yes everyone can see how you look at Mink. Mink says that Niketan can start first because he will do the most work tomorrow so Rajev teases her. Mink says it was Delnaaz's idea. Then Mink says that Niketan should be allowed to take it easy tomorrow so Rajev teases her about it.
11pm - Rajev talking to his team and deciding how to divide the team at night. Niketan says he'll sit 6hrs to make diyas and everyone sits 1 hr. Delnaaz asking about the night, Niketan says everyone will sit for 2 hrs each. Niketan says you aren't listening to Rajev. Rajev says ok you do what you want. Delnaaz asking whats going on. Rajev says that let others also do. Niketan says I have to do the most because I'm the fastest. Rajev says you guys do what you want, let me know when you need me. Niketan says that if we have to sit 12 hrs, I have to sit for 6 hrs. Del says why is he taking it so seriously.
11:30pm - BB asks Vrajesh to come in the confession room. Niketan says he might get a task to light diyas. Mink says to to blow them out. In confession room, BB tells Vrajesh why he isn't laughing. And Vrajesh says I'm thinking what you are going to make me do. BB asks why he's so serious. Vraj says it's a very serious environment and there was a personal attack on me that I just found out about. I'm feeling burdened. BB asking if this is his first diwali away from family. He says yes. BB asks him if he wants to send a message to his family. Vrajesh says that till the time I'm int he house, I am, but after this, never in my life have I ever been away from my family. I will never stay away from them. He starts crying. Happy Diwali he says. BB waits and says, you can leave. Vraj says thank you wipes his tears and leaves. Sapna asks what task did you get. Vrajesh says nothing and cries some more in the kitchen. Sapna thinks he's going to do something. Vrajesh trying to calm himself down.
11pm - Vrajesh talking to Urvashi saying that even though I haven't got a secret task I'm going to pretend as if I have and whispers to Urvashi randomly. Urvashi laughs.
*ad break*
11pm - Niketan and Rajev in the yellow bedroom discussing the morning joke about Sana and Delnaaz. Rajev says I told you not to joke about that. Niketan says that I have to sit the max tomorrow because I'm the fastest and whoever is the fastest, they;ll sit the most. Rajev keeps repeating the same thing. Niketan says what is the motive of the team? Rajev says that you tell me what I should do and then let me know. Niketan asks Rajev if he wants coffee and Rajev says no. Niketan leaves.
~4am - Rajev talking to Urvashi and Urva saying the dinner dishes are not washed. Rajev says that Mink put the last dishes. Urvashi saysing Mink just came so she cant understand. Urva says tell Niketan to do the dishes. Rajev saying that you think he will do it? Urvashi says, I dont care if he does or doesn't but you have to inform him. Rajev says okay I'll tell him.
5:15am - Rajev talking to sana and teasing her saying, look it's my task. Rajev says look at my animosity now. I never let anything come in between our friendship. Sana says that it was my task. Rajev says unless you fall in love with him, I wont listen to this excuse. Sana laughs. Rajev says have you never fallen in love for a guy in 4 days. Sana giggles and says no. Rajev and Sana go back to lighting diyas.
PRECAP - Niketan saying that the last night's maggie and dishes are in the sink, he asks Vishal to wash them. Vishal washing them. Sana complains to Rajev why he let Vishal wash them when it was NIketan's duty? Del and Rajev sitting to make diyas and Del tells Rajev he's annoying her. Then in the kitchen Sapna playing snakes and ladders (imaginary).
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