Bigg Boss Season 6
24th November 2012
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24th November 2012
Written Updates
Salman Khan comes on stage performing to "tujhe aaksa beach ghuma doon".
Salman is says that we will speak to Vrajesh Hirjee and add a new twist to his life. There is a surprise and a chance will be given to keep him on in the game. He enters the rural house via the V Tv .
Salman asks everyone's wellbeing?
Santosh says he's good. Sallu asks who Aashka has replaced as a friend from the first house. She says Nirahua bhaiyya and she introduces the new guest, Jyoti. Jyoti says hi bhaiyya to him. Salman says my name is Salman. She says can I call you sallu with love? Salman says I've heard you are very talented. She does a a rhyme for him - suraj suraj kehte ho... hum bhi katrina se kam nahi. She laughs. Salman says you laugh at your own jokes? Do you say dialogues? She says the Chhedi Singh dialogue. She completes it as hawa kahan se chode. Salman says hawa? She says paade. Salman says jyoti tum paadne ki baat karti ho.
She says I'm like you. Salman asks who she likes, she says you. He says I like the one who is carrying you in her arms and want her to do the same with me. (aashka). Jyoti asks him when he will get married. He says when his hair turns white and fall off. He tells her Don't you like to see me happy? He tells her You are 19, when will you get married? Jyoti replies - I'll marry you.
Salman teases Aashka about Rohit. Aashka says I'll leave everything for you. He tells Jyoti that Aashka's lap is his. She says come. Salman is saying I'm jealous of you. That's my spot. My laptop. And you've turned it into a desk top. Dont laugh or I'll send imaam. Everyone laughs more.
Salman tells Nirahua - kamaal hai aapka. Aashka was so scared but I think you were more afraid. Especially when he did the tap tap tap tap (with shoes) and vroon (cat sound). Nirahua says that Imam acted like a girl and never practiced what he preached. Salman tells niruha that if you comparing him to a girl? You are making fun of girls.!!! Did you ever see him in clothes like Aashka's? Nirahua replies he wore Aashka's ghagra. Salman remarked that it looked like two lost friends were meeting when Aashka met Imam. Aashka replied that she's warm with everyone but he was into the game way too much. Salman again jokingly confuses her bf's name as Deepak or Anand and Aashka corrects him. He says oh Rohit would be crying seeing you flirt with me. Aashka says no he think you are the most handsome man. Salman says that all men should be like him.
Salman asks Santosh his opinion about Aashka. He says he thinks highly of her and when he saw her praying yesterday and the piety on her face, he was impressed. Salman teases Aashka some more.
Salman sings "aksa beach" tune to the live audience and remarks that the rural house's hearts are very big. Let's see what happened earlier.
Day 6
3:45pm - Aashka tells Santosh that she heard that he will do whatever she says. She tells them all to stand near the well and tells him to sit at the edge of the well just to make Jyoti laugh. Santosh says I love her character and personality more than her face and even if she says I;m her stand by that's enough for me. He jumps in and says I love you. Aashka is shocked.
Salman telling the audience that besides Vrajesh one more person will enter the house today. She's very cute and bubbly and when she goes in, everyone will be happy.
Day 6
5:15pm - A new female entry. She's dancing with her face covered to the tune "aa re pretam pyare..pallo ke neeche chupake rakha hai, uta doon to hangama ho." Everyone dances with her. She lifts jyoti in her arms ,hugs Aashka and dances with them. She dances with the boys. Santosh and Nirahua welcomes her. Everyone introduces themselves. It's Rakhi Sawant!
Salman says Rakhi is settled, Lets watch:
Salman - Rakhi, after so many yrs, back in the BB house? Rakhi says yes! The first house was grand and now it seems like I've come to a village and Dabangg set. Salman says we didn't break the set but gave it to BB.
Nirahua says there will be full hangama. Rakhi says I'm Aashka's fan and I dont understand why she's crying. She's a fighter and she's not abla, wo tabla baja sakti hai.
Salman asks her about Imaam and Rakhi says she wouldn't have let all that happened and I would act like you in dabanng and bajao his pungi.
Salman asks Santosh and Nirahua about Imam. Nirahua says that he was outside the house and we were inside. If he broke the door to come inside then I would not let him do anything and would have handled him. Salman tells Nirahua to go out and welcome the new house guest. Outside Imam is standing saying "as salamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatahu".
Imam and Nirahua welcome each other, Imam says Namashkaar to everyone. He apologises to Aashka. She says it's ok. He says hello to Jyoti. He apologises to Salman and says he didn't understand what was happening and he got confused and so he wants to apologise to the Indian audience. Salman asks Aashka's opinion. Aashka saying that every man should get a 2nd chance.
Santosh talks continuously again not letting Dinesh talk and Dinesh Nirahua says he wont let me talk complains to Salman. Dinesh says Imam always tried to make me feel bad and I told him that you can't get me upset and taunted me called me a "darinda". Again Imaam is apologises.
Salman asks Santosh what he thinks and Santosh says that he looked bad on tv but from his entry now he feels that he's apologetic and like aashka said, he should be given a 2nd chance and if he repeats it then something should be done. At the time, no one was there before but if something happens, I will protect them and I might get upset and raise my voice without physically fighting.
Salman calls Rakhi out of the house and onto stage.
Now he asks Aashka who will come into the house. Aashka says Vrajesh or Mink, Nirahua says Mink. Santosh says that I'd like to meet Vrajesh. Salman bids everyone farewell and Aashka tells him she loves him and he says I love you too sweet heart.
He says to the audience let's leave them to enjoy with imam and we'll enjoy with Rakhi.
Rakhi performing on stage to dreamum wake up pum...jumping gum pumping gum...
Rakhi giving Salman hugs and kisses. She says when she found out she was going to meet Salman, she dreamt of him and couldn't sleep. Salman says I dont need to ask you what you dreamt.
Remember we are on TV and its a 9pm slot. Rakhi says we did an item song together in heaven and God said, what is this? Salman sayd that wasn't heaven then. Rakhi asks were we in hell? Salman then asked what God looked like? Rakhi replied that it was his bodyguard and says that she has dreamt of all the khans.
Rakhi says she's decided to get married to Salman who replies I'm not worth it let me go. Rakhi says you are not the thing to let go but to grab. Rakhi says every time Salman calls me, SRK calls me next day and I dont know what competition is this but I love it. Khans everywhere. Salman says that SRK won this round.
Salman tells her to go sit on the massive seat and be BB for a day. She says that BB saw Sana's beauty and he sent Vishal but god knows what she is searching for? Sapna is looking old with white hair. So what if she had 3 marriages. BB says he wants Mink to put make up and fainted seeing her without make up. BB wants Niketan to wear clothes because only Salman has the right to show his body.
Salman says he enjoyed what she said and that BB's door are always open for Rakhi.
Salman now saying that the next guest is going to go to the Village hosue but he doesn't know. He calls him the stunning, lovely, - Vrajesh Hirjee.
Salman - when someone is evicted, what percentage is happiness and sadness?
Vraj - I said that I wont miss anyone when I get evicted because there wont be any time but I did. And I wish I was there longer.
Salman - who will you miss?
Vraj - I bonded with Niketan
Salman - I'll give you a filmy situation, tell me how the housemates will behave
Mink and Urvashi are flirting with Niketan. How will they confess their love for him
Vraj - Urva - (screaming) I like you and if my boys say you are ok, then you are passed. And if you like me, dont say anything because the time for talking has long passed.
Mink will search for her cut hair then Niketan will come and she'll say HAHAHAHA. I'm not laughing bcoz of you but I'm laughing bcoz of Vrajesh.
Salman says that he got max nomination. Vrajesh replies that besides 1 nomination, I can't feel bad but I got hurt by Vishal because he was angry I nominated him. Salman saying you back bit others as they back bit about you. Let's watch:
Recap of what was said about Vrajesh.
Aashka calling Vrajesh dogla. Sidhu nominating him in the confession room. Sapna talking about the papita incident saying she got to know him since then. Sidhu saying that he does it all for the limelight. Sana saying he causes fights and he caused the fight between Mink and her. Rajev saying there's no one who can trust him. Vishal - make at least one friend, he's souless he's a zero.
Vrajesh - wow.
Salman - where did this start? The stamp of being dogla.
Vrajesh - I think from Rajneeti task but I didn't do that and as for limelight I told everyone that I'm sorry but it's not my intention. Huge people are sitting inside like Urvashi and Rajev and I can't compare.
Salman - when you were sad, you'd talk to the camera so we are giving u an opportunity to get it out. Go ahead and let all your frustration out:
Vrajesh - the house got a new word ' fake'. Delnaaz saw fakeness and Sapna feels that if she stays any longer she'll become fake. Sab fakum faak ho raha hai. No one has their feet on backwards and no one is a ghost in the house. Rajeev everything cannot be explained in 1 min and stop touching girls or you'll be given the role of thakur only.
Salman - Vrajesh we are thinking of giving you a second chance to get in the game. So I suggest play the game again.
Vrajesh - shocked.
Salman hands him his boriya bistar, ties a blindfold over his eyes and guides him into the house.
Salman says he has no idea where he's going. Let's see how he is welcomed.
Vrajesh enters the village house and is shocked. Imam meets him first. Then Nirahua is welcomes him. Aashka carries jyoti and meets him. They hug. She introduces Vrajesh and Jyoti. Imam introduces himself and says he loved the way he played the game. Aashka says she never went home and came in directly here and saw him in the house from the rural house. Vrajesh says he wept when he heard she had to leave. Aashka says, yes even I was shivering.
Salman welcomes the audience back after a break and says
Let's check the main house to see what transpired with Radhe the parrot's help.
Radhe - I'll tell you about a triangle that Sana and Karishma are fighting over Vishal but there's a 4th person so it's actually a rectangle.
Sapna saying she wants a love affair so whole day she can stick to the person. Not just hi hello. That's boring. She says if she's there till Christmas something will happen. Next shot of Vishal pressing Sapna's foot. Vishal says they will have a love affair. Sapna tells Vishal later about wanting to adopt. Vishal says he can help her if she wants one of her own. Vishal as a lion in Sapna's cage with her. Rajeev saying what kind of love story is this? Lion and bear.
Salman - even sana didn't notice this.
Radhe- Sana is busy looking at herself
Sana's make up session, playing with her hair, putting cream on her arm, staring at herself in the mirror along the path to the bathroom. Jiya jiya re jiya re song in the back ground.
Salman is impressed with Radhe's observation. Salman explains that Sana wants Radhe to see her. Radhe disappears. Salman says he became shy so he left.
Salman says it's his dad's birthday today (Salim Khan) and this is benefit of being a host.
He adds that the nomination special episode is not on Sunday but Monday. He wishes everyone a farewell and says that he'll see his dad tonight and will see everyone else's dad on Friday.
PRECAP - Karishma has to nominate 5 people. Del is saying you know what happened? This is a bomb on us. Sapna tells Sana that Karishma nominated Vrajesh because she thought he should go home but who is she to decide who gets to go?
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