Bigg Boss Season
3rd December 2012
Written Updates
Day 57
8 am - Wake up song is Keh ke lunga, teri keh ke lunga (song from gangs of wasseypur )
Niruha hugs Ashka on waking up
.Imam dances with sapna
8.30 am - BB announces that the teams have to fight for the bathroom . They have to clean the loos . Whichever team cleans the clogged sinks and bathrooms will get to rule over the bathroom till friday .
Imam says that he cannot clean the loo because he pukes
Niruha and Sapna are chosen to represent their respective blue and red teams .The sink is full of cow dung and Sapna and niruha are cleaning the basin . Imam as usual butts in between and Sapna tells him to shut up and enjoy
Sapna says she feels she is cleaning Imam's mouth 

This time the red team wins the game because Niruha has finished the task first .
Imam asks Delnaz if she agrees to what sapna said about his mouth being filthy and all .Imam again tells Rajeev not to include him in any task and rajeev snaps at him and tells him to zip it and shut up. 
Rajeev tells Karishma and the rest of the housemates that Imam told him not to nominate him for any task .
Imam tells Niruha that Rajeev had rightfully said that sapna should be evicted Now how after talking about her he is with her . Niruha says that when groups are formed this is what happens . Imam says he is in the same team as Sapna and yet she insulted him It would have been understandable if he would have been in the opposition team . 
The Blue teams have to occupy the bedrooms and the bathrooms and have to mark their sides with flags . If they have to use each other's place they have to use guest cards .
12.45 pm - Vishal ,Niketan of the blue team are marking their territories .
The next task is a fight for the kitchen .
Mink and Ashka have to make unpalatable stuff consisting of eggs and kitchen supplies 
Sana and santosh have to eat the cooked up unpalatable stuff
. Sana and santosh puke after eating it . Imam tastes what has been cooked and says it was foul.
Sana and Ashka are walking in the garden and Ashka says she felt bad for cooking stuff like this .
Santosh tells Vrajesh that during the task Ashka instead of feeding him was paying more attention to Sana . Imam says that what Ashka had cooked for Sana was much better than what she had cooked for him ,his portion was full of salt 
Vrajesh tells Ashka and vishal that Imam was trying to poison santosh's mind . Ashka says everyone should have their own understanding .
2.15 pm - Ashka comes and confronts Santosh .She tells him that sana is a girl and she was consoling her . Ashka says aapko achey se bhadka rahe hain log aur aap bhadak rahe hain 
Ashka gives explanations to Niruha about the task and complains about santosh .She says last night santosh showed a lot of concern for the girls sleeping in the living room and now where is his concern gone . He should stick to what he stands for .
5.45 pm
Ashka and Niruha walk in the living room with their red guest card and Niruha hides his card under the sofa cushions . Sapna and Mink drive them out .
6.15 pm - Sapna tells Sana that if they give them to use the kitchen will they clean the kitchen . Vrajesh says he will single handedly handle the mopping and cleaning of the kitchen and the utensils . She says she will have to talk to her team mates and tells Urvashi she is kidding around .
7 pm - Urvashi finds the red colour flag which niruha had hidden under the sofa and asks Sapna to hide it 
7.30 pm - Niruha says his flag is missing and he wants it back . Sapna says sach mein meine nahi liya flag . Maddy says meine nahi liya lekin chhupaya .
She says ullu banaya bada mazaa aaya
7.45 pm - Red team cannot use the kitchen because the blue team has won . The loser team has to use their guest cards to enter the kitchen hich would just for 5 minutes . If they have to take food they have to take it in one plate only .
2 housemates from each team have to be chosen to play the tug of war .
8pm- Vishal and santosh are in one team and Rajeev and niketan are in the other .
The rope is over the swimming pool and vishal and santosh win the game and pull niketan and rajeev in the swimming pool. 
Niruha asks Sapna to return his flag . Sapna asks urvashi who says they won't .
Santosh makes vrajesh ,niruha and rajeev say har har mahadev and makes them take an oath -Ae bhagwan bholenath humko itni shakti dena ki hum dono bedroom par kabza le sakey 
Ashka comes to santosh again and tells him that she feels bad . He tells her he won't speak about what she feels hurt about . Ashka snaps at him and says each time he is upset she comes to him and he is rude . Vrajesh asks him what happened and he says ashka said he was rude to her .He says he's not going to tolerate her nonsense and if she wants to talk she is welcome otherwise bhaad mein jaane doh usse 
Ashka gets food in one big plate and all sit the red team members eat in one plate .
Ashka tells Vrajesh that she didn't like Santosh getting touchy feely with her . She says santosh had said that she had kissed him and her life will get ruined with such gossips . She says she wants santosh to be in his limits and has asked him to be so a lot of times .
Delnaz goes to have bath . Santosh tells Ashka that woh bohot tuta hua insaan hai uski life mein bohot problems rahi hai .
He does'nt like her screaming at him .He says he has nothing in mind and does'nt like her crying .
12.15 am - Rajeev is talking to Sana . The housemates are on duty because they have to protect their territories. Rajeev says only 2 people are required and Imam is sitting there voluntarily and he will have to do the night duty the next night .Rajeev tells him he is not needed . Imam consults with Sapna who tells him to continue doing the task .Sapna says that she is wondering why Rajeev doesn't want Imam to be around sana and rajeev .
Rajeev starts screaming and says mera muunh mat khula baar baar beech mein mat bol . Imam for a wonder was silent .
Sapna tells Imam he is good and not to worry . Delnaz takes Rajeev outside and Mink and Niketan too try and calm him . Rajeev has lost it totally 
In the room Delnaz tells Sapna that she is wondering why rajeev snapped because they were not talking anything personal . Sapna also says that this should be a team decision . Mink says this was not right for the team spirit
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