Bigg Boss Season 6
19th December 2012
Written Updates
Day 73
7 am - Imam comes and sleep in front of the fish tank .He wants to see if the sun is up and climbs on a chair and falls from it 
8 am - Wake up song is koi yahan ahaan nacche nache .
Urvashi .Ashka and Imam are fully pepped up and dance . Once the song is over ,Urvashi sits on her bed again under her blanket 
Karishma is sweeping the merged bedroom and Sapna says the room looks like a dungeon.
4 pm - Delnaz reads out a letter from BB saying that the housemates should clarify whatever problems they have with Imam because he can see the housemates behaviour has changed towards Imam in the last two days .They have to list out their problems and hug him whenever they have a problem .
Sana says she has no problems with him but has felt bad that he said something bad about Ashka . BB announces that these words were not included in the show . Imam apologises to Ashka and tells her that she instigates him to become an animal .
Ashka says no one instigates anyone here and he goes beyond limits and hurts a person so much that the person feels bad why he/she is in the house 
Sapna says Imam has instigated her a lot and has even impersonated her but she didn't get instigated . She says he will say sorry but will be the same in 5 minutes and call her a khanjar billi .
Karishma calls him a dual personality . She tells him he has got an award because people have seen him from an hour but its tough for them or anyone to tolerate him for 24 hours.
Niketan tells him that no one speaks about him and he should not feel so .
Imam is sitting with his head down and Rajeev tells him that his body language shows that he is not interested in talking to him . Rajeev says if he would have been in the outside world he would have beaten him up.
Urvashi tells him that his divide and rule policy will not work nor his ashleel words will be good . She says not only his family but even their family is watching the show .
Sapna tells him that she doesn't want him to talk to her at all .
Urvashi ,Ashka hug Imam who cries 
5.30 pm - Imam is upset and Sana consoles him . She tells him he is very talented and he says aisa talent ka kya fayda jahan insaaniyat na ho .
Rajeev tells Vishal and Sana that Imam is just acting .Urvashi asks Ashka what Imam had said . She says he said La haula wala quwat which is said indicating something very bad .
Urvashi says that now if Imam misbehaves uski dhulai hogi .
7.15 pm - Urvashi reads out a task Sacche ka Bol baala
Rajeev ,Delnaz ,Niketan and Ashka have to give a Layered Voice Analysis Test A correct answer will get a green light and a lie will get a red light 
7.30 pm - Task starts with Rajeev
1. Does he feel he is the most attractive person in BB house - he says no - (which is a lie)
2 - Has he ever got attracted to Sana -- He says yes ( right)
3. Is he jealous of vishal and sana's friendship - yes
4. - has he filled sana's ears against vishal - yes
5 aapke aur delnaaz ke rishtey par apne vichar vyaqt karne pe kya aap aashka ko naa pasand karte hai? yes
6 Does he hold himself responsible for the divorce . - He passes it
7. Does he want Delnaz back in his life - He doesn't answer
8. Does he feel Delnaz will accept him back in her life - No (correct)
1. Does she feel Rajeev is acting to get her back -No ( lie ) 
2. After her divorce does she have any romantic person in her life - No (correct)
3 .Has she felt embarassed with rajeevs behaviour - no (lie)
4. Does she agree to what bakhtiyar said- Yes (correct)
5. Does she trust rajeev more than sana and ashka - No - (correct)
6. Does she still love Rajeev - She starts crying and says she doesn't want to answer the question
1. Does he feel he is the best person to win the show - yes (lie) 
2. Does he feel he is the most intelligent person in the house - yes (lie)
3. Does he really feel Rajeev is his friend - yes (correct)
4. Does he play politics while firing from Rajeev's shoulder -yes (correct)
5. Has Karishma ever been his girlriend - yes (correct)
6. Does Karishma make friends for her convenience - yes (correct) 
7. Does he feel Karishma deserves to be in the show at this level - no (correct)
8 - Is he afraid of Imam - ye (correct ) 
1. Can she trust Urvashi -- yes (correct)
2. Does she cry only for the camera - No (correct)
3. Has she forgiven Imam for misbehaving with her in the neighbouring house - No (correct)
4. Has she ever been attracted to a girl - No (Its a lie) 
5. If she and Sana remain till the finals would she want sana to win -no (correct)
6. Does she feel Niketan has filled urvashi's ears against her no - (correct)
Karishma is upset and Niketan tells her to clarify . She says she doesn't want to know his opinions because she doesn't like him saying that she doesn't deserve to be in the house in the 11th week
He tells her if he has to say that rajeev and vishal will nominate her she will immediately go and sweet talk to them . She tells him she likes to co-exist. She points out that she doesn't talk to Sana and he replies because she won't talk to you
She says she will not talk also to her
10pm - Imam is having dal chaaval in the garden . Urvashi asks him why he is sitting alone he says he is playing with the fishes .
10.30 pm - BB announces that Ashka is the sabse saccha member of the LVA task . BB says she can be made captain again and can contest elections. Sabse jhoota contestant of the LVA task was Niketan 
10.45 pm - Vishal tells Sana that she is a fool not to have seen through rajeev's actions. Vishal said that rajeev was filling her ears and he had told her so .
12 pm - Karishma tells niketan she doesn't agree with what he spoke about her . Niketan say that if he would have lied the red light would have been lit . Karishma goes and sit on the sofa and urvashi tells niketan who doesn't get up from the bed .
Vishal and Sana make actions of hugging each other and smile at each other from across the room .
Precap - BB announces that numbered steps are kept in the garden and all the housemates have to stand on whichever number they want .Imam goes on number 1 - and he is made a captain .
Rajeev gets angry again at Imam while doing a task .
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