In a fitting finale, television actress Urvashi Dholakia was announced as the winner of 'Bigg Boss 6'. Urvashi was among the top four contestants who were left in the house on the final day of the show. Model Niketan Madhok, celebrity stylist Imam Siddiqui, Model-Actress Sana Khan and Urvashi were the final four who were left in the 'Bigg Boss' house.
The actress won Rs 50 Lac cash prize and a glittering trophy as her name was announced by host Salman Khan at the grand finale.
A known face on small screen, Urvashi is best known for her portrayal of Kamalika Basu in Ekta Kapoor's popular serial 'Kasautii Zindagii Kay'. The actress, a mother of twin boys, started her career at 16 and has appeared in popular shows like 'Dekh Bhai Dekh', 'Shaktimaan', 'Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi' among other
Urvashi has been there in show since the beginning though she has been nominated a few times for eviction. The show started with 12 contestants which included celebrities like cricketer Navjot Singh Siddhu, celebrity hair stylist Sapna Bhavnani, cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, models Karishma Kotak, Niketan Madhok, TV actors Sayantani Gosh, Ashka Goradia, former couple Delnaz Irani and Rajev Paul, Bhojpuri star Dinesh Lal Yadav, Gulab Gang leader Sampat Pal. The show also had a non-celebrity contestant- Kashif Qureshi.
Among the top four, Niketan was the first to be evicted from the house, followed by Sana Khan. Urvashi and Imam were the top two finalist on the show who were escorted outside the house by Salman. Urvashi's name was announced in front of a live audience which included former inmates of the house. Urvashi's sons and her mother were also present at the event.
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