Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Kashif picks up fight with Sapna and Urvashi

Karishma looked upset and depressed for not being able to save herself and Sapna from the nomination. In an outburst owing to the nomination, Sapna started ridiculing the idea of dancing and proving oneself. She retorted by saying that not everybody can dance. "Me, Sampat and Aseem are activists, we could have never done what Karishma and Sana could do" Sapna stressed. She said that it was unfair to judge different people on the basis of same talent. "I am a different kind of a woman, I can't show my cleavage. I would die if ever i have to show my skin to win a stupid thing like nomination," She added that it was all nanga naach and she would never do it even if it sells.

She was just venting her concern out, when Kashif jumped into the conversation by saying that she meant to say that Sana and Karishma are women of misplaced character or and weak upbringing. His statement started taking the conversation into a more controversial when Sapna asked him to shut up and go out.
What started as a simple conversation became a heated argument because the common man, Kashif added fuel to Sapna's fire and went on to brainwash Karishma against her.

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